Sunday, September 18, 2011

Getting Mylo Xyloto...

I've been on the fence for getting the new Coldplay album, Mylo Xyloto, for a while now. On one hand, I've had a really strong hit-and-miss experience with Coldplay albums in the past. I loved Parachutes, I liked X&Y, I thought A Rush of Blood to the Head was only okay (though I did love "The Scientist" and "Clocks"), and Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends was meh at best. On the other hand, I did really like "Every Tear Drop Is a Waterfall," they're apparently expanding their sound quite a bit, and not getting it would shatter my ability to say I own every Coldplay studio album (I don't get to say that often; only for Cake, The Beatles, System of a Down and Radiohead, maybe one or two more).

In the end I decided to get it. $15 wasn't really going to be a big deal, and if I hate it at least I didn't spend a fortune. It would also bring traffic to the site if I bought and reviewed the new Coldplay album. (It certainly did for I'm With You, to a certain extent.) They are a really popular band, after all, and the reviews for much older albums are just collecting dust anyway. Really, I would review new music if I could, but I just don't have the money to get all the stuff I want. Now, if publishers would send me new music before it came out so I could prepare a review for day 1 and not have to pay for it, then it would be completely different. Unfortunately, a small blog in the dark corners of the internet doesn't get much attention.

So anyway, I will be getting the new Coldplay album. You can expect a review from me within a week of its release. The only other new albums I currently have on my radar are Biophilia by Björk, which I think comes out some time mid October, and Invinsible by Skylar Grey, which does not currently have a release date.

That is all.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, and Woodkid's album, but that's quite a ways off, like next year or something. Oh wait, you haven't heard about that yet! I wrote a new kind of repeated update that will make its first post on October 1st and will probably be monthly. You'll find out what it is then, but the first artist involved is Woodkid.
